National Transport Library Research Database

Modulsystem för Energieffektiva timmertransporter: Volvo En Trave Till-Steg2 (Modular System for Energy efficient timber transport: Volvo One pile More-Step2)

  • Cider, Lennart
  • Volvo Technology AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556542-4321
Sponsors, duration, budget: Vinnova ; 2009-01-01 -- 2012-06-30 ; 4087500 kronorRegistration number:
  • Vinnova 200900014
Subject(s): Abstract: Ökad effektivitet av timmertransporter ger möjlighet till ca 50% mer tonkm med samma antal förare & lastbilskombinationer. Ca 20% lägre bränsleförbrukning per tonkm. Ökad framkomlighet vid låg friktion med bättre grepp/drivning genom optimering av fordonslayout och komponent val.Abstract: Sweden has a large knowledge base in forest & timber transport industries. There is a need for further steps in reducing CO2 emissions from timber transports and at the same time reduce road wear & improve traffic safety, see fig 1. This can be done by transporting more timber per vehicle combination. Modular systems with trucks & trailer modules that can reduce CO2 emissions with around 20% per tonkm transported timber are under development & evaluation Co-operation between the vehicle-, forest- and transport- industries, authorities and institutes are well established trough VETT-STEP1 A prestudy has been carried out (2006-2007) by Skogforsk (The forest research institute of Sweden) with the purpose to see what possibilities there are for more efficient timber transports. Title En Trave Till ETT ( One Pile More). The ETT project is continuing and the VETT project is the part of the ETT project that develops technical solutions, test combinations and carry out field tests. VETT-STEP1 finished Dec 2008, developed and delivered one field test combination is ready for test. VETT-STEP2 starts 2009-01-01 the purpose is to develop test combination 2, run the field tests and continue the development of new technical solutions. The combinations will go in different types of timber transport organisations. The need for technical solutions is developing during the project. During the project we will update the combination. Some module can be replaced during the project time. Already we can see that the VETT results can be of great use within other parts of the transport industry. Application for founding for this project will be done in steps. VETT-STEP3 will be applied for later. Increased efficiency of timber transport About 50% increased productivity for driver and trucks About 20% decreased fuel consumption per ton x km
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