VTI National Transport Research Database

Evidensbaserad planering av en fossilfri räddningstjänstflotta -- CERTAIN (EvidenCE-basEd fossil fRee emergency service fleeT plAnnINg -- CERTAIN)

  • Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI), Statligt forskningsinstitut, 202100-0704
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten ; 2024-08-01 -- 2026-11-30 ; 2 187 045 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2023-205241
Notes: Program: Hållbara transportsystem. Projektnummer: P2023-01441Abstract: Emergency response services are central to society's resilience and closely intertwined with the transportation system. Emergency response services need to be available anywhere, at any time. This puts high requirements on emergency unit mobility and fleet capability. Replacing internal combustion engines by fossil free solutions will affect this capability. The project is a joint effort of academia, applied research, and a rescue service agency. It aims to provide emergency response agencies with quantitative, evidence-based decision support for the fossil free disposition of their future vehicle fleets. The project combines data-driven and computer-simulation based techniques. This allows to explore past and possible future missions under different fossil free emergency vehicle fleet dispositions and to assess these with respect to resilience-critical performance metrics such as energy demand of mission accumulations in short time intervals and the implications of energy blackouts
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