VTI National Transport Research Database

Kunskapsbaserade ingenjörssystem i produktutvecklingsprocessen (Knowledge-based engineering systems in the product development process)

  • Woxneryd, Sara
  • Volvo Technology AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556542-4321
Sponsors, duration, budget: Vinnova ; 2009-01-01 -- 2010-12-31 ; 2000000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Vinnova 200804116
Subject(s): Abstract: Projekten kommer att resultera i såväl nya KBE-system som i kunskaper om teknikens potential och metoder och processer för införande av tekniken i stor skala. Leveranserna från projektet inkluderar - Rapporter med analyser av nuvarande arbetssätt och IT-miljö vid Volvobolag och förslag till nya arbetssätt, KBE-system och IT-miljöer - Prototyper till nya IT-lösningar baserade på KBE-teknik som demonstrerar och validerar giltigheten i de föreslagna arbetssätten och IT-lösningarna - Standardiserade arbetssätt för utveckling av KBE-systemlösningar som kan tillämpas på många olika produkttyper - Ett antal vetenskapliga artiklar - En licentiatuppsats - En doktorsavhandlingAbstract: The aim of the project is to create a vision for the use of KBE systems in the development process together with a strategy to fulfill the vision. The objectives of the projects are linked to how we see the strategic use of KBE system, characterized by a KBE system that - is used to support development at system level - is closely linked to the company´s overall product development process, and used throughout the development process, to support concept development, the balancing and optimization and for detailed design and verification - may consider more (all) aspects of a product, including performance, quality, cost, environmental friendliness - used by a majority of engineers, and they see the use and further development of ´their´ KBE modules as important part of their work - leads to a measurable positive effect on the outcome of the product development process - is developed and maintained using a systematic approach, which could largely be made by the engineers themselves, with minimal support of a tool experts The projects will result in both new KBE systems and in methods and processes for the introduction of the technology in large scale. Deliveries from the project include - Reports with analysis of current practices and IT environment at Volvo companies and proposes of new ways of working, KBE systems and IT environments - Prototypes for new IT solutions based on KBE technology that demonstrates and validates the validity of the proposed working methods and IT solutions - Standardized approach for the development of KBE-system solutions that can be applied to different product types - A number of scientific articles - A licentiate thesis - A dissertation
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