National Transport Library Research Database

Informationsmanagement i intermodala transportkedjor - en praktisk ansats (Information management in intermodal transport chains - a practical approach)

Sponsors, duration, budget: Vinnova ; 2008-12-15 -- 2009-09-04 ; 150000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Vinnova 200804169
Subject(s): Abstract: Informationsutbytet mellan parterna i intermodala transportkedjor sker mestadels med telefon eller fax, medan de interna processerna till största delen är datoriserade. Avsaknaden av enkla processer för att etablera ett elektroniskt informationsutbyte med externa parter innebär onödiga kostnader, risk för fel, dålig transportkvalité och försämrar avsevärt intermodala transportlösningars konkurrenskraft. Freightwise (EU 6. Ramprogramm) fokuserar på att förenkla informationsutbytet mellan företagen. En analys visar att sex informationsobjekt skulle kunna täcka in informationsbehovet för att planera, genomföra och avsluta en intermodal transportkedja. Resultatet av föreslagen workshop förväntas kunna påverka Kommissionens ITS-policy och inspirera företag att öka andelen elektroniskt informationsutbyte med kunder, partners och underleverantörer. Därigenom skapas bättre förutsättningar för co-modality.Abstract: The project is aiming at planning and implementing a workshop during spring 2009 by connecting representatives of the transport industry with a project within EUs 6 frame program Freightwise. The purpose is to discuss Freightwise goal getting a simplified information exchange between the parties in inter modal transport chains. Freightwise develops within the frame of EUs Freight and Logistics Action Plan and in connection with the U.S Department of Transport a limited number of information objects which could mean a break-through for a practical and cheap solution for electronic information exchange. The information exchange between the parties in intermodal transport chains mostly goes by phone or fax, while the internal processes are mostly computerized. The lack of simple processes to establish an electronic information exchange with external parties brings unnecessary costs, error risks, bad quality of transport and deteriorates considerably the competitiveness of intermodal transport solutions. Freightwise (EU 6. Frame program) is focusing on simplifying the information exchange among the companies. An analysis is showing that six information objects could cover the information needed for planning, implementing and finishing in an intermodal transport chain. The result of the proposed workshop is expected to influence the ITS policy of the Commission and inspire companies to increase the number of electronic information exchange with customers, partners and subcontractors. By implementing this you create better opportunities for co-modality.
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