VTI National Transport Research Database

Tillgångsförvaltning - Beslutsfattande för hela systemet (Wisdom) (Asset Management - Whole system decision making (Wisdom))

Sponsors, duration, budget: Trafikverket ; 2020-12-01 -- 2024-12-31 Registration number:
  • Trafikverket 2020/85502
Subject(s): Online resources: Abstract: Storleken och komplexiteten hos järnvägen har lett till en uppdelning av ansvar och aktiviteter, vilket har varit effektivt i syfte att nå specifika mål. Emellertid, även om beslut som fattas inom en given funktion eller för en viss tillgångstyp kan vara optimalt i just det sammanhanget, så finns det en stor risk att beslutet inte är optimalt sett med utgångspunkt från hela järnvägssystemet. Detta beror på att många beslut går in i och påverkar varandra eller påverkar resultatet på ett positiv eller negativt sätt. Den här typen av suboptimering medför ett slöseri med pengar genom att antingen projekt misslyckas med att uppnå den förväntade leveransen/resultatet eller påverkar andra resultat och leveranser på ett sätt som inte var planerat. Det här projektet avser att lägga fast ett ramverk med tillhörande metoder och verktyg för beslutsfattande för hela järnvägssystemet. Det kommer att möjliggöras genom att koppla samman principer för tillgångsförvaltning med utveckling av systemöverblickande ansatser som tillsammans med tillhörande verktyg har blivit implementerade inom en rad olika branscher, exempelvis försvar, tillverkning, hälso- och sjukvård. En del av motivet bakom projektet är behovet av att adressera de stora förändringar som järnvägen står inför, inklusive digitalisering, automatisering, AI och de utmaningar som klimatförändringen förväntas medföra. De här förändringarna kommer att påverka järnvägen på ett sådant fundamentalt sätt att de bara kan adresseras genom att anta en systematisk ansats. Leveranser från projektet: Värderamverk, december 2022 - rapport. Riskkriterier, juni 2023 - uppdaterad rapport. Processer, metoder och verktyg, december 2023 - uppdaterad rapport. Fallstudier, juni 2024 - uppdaterad rapport. Sprida och kommunicera resultat, December 2024 - slutlig rapport, riktlinjer Leveranser från projektet: Värderamverk, december 2023/januari 2024 - rapport Fallstudier, juni 2025 - uppdaterad rapport Sprida och kommunicera resultat, December 2025 - slutlig rapport, riktlinjer Abstract: The size and complexity of the railway has led to the subdivision of accountabilities and activities, which has been efficient and effective in targeting specific objectives. However, although decisions taken within a given function or for a single asset type may be optimized locally, they are most likely to be sub-optimal at the whole system level. This is because many decisions interact with each other and they also impact on multiple outputs in a positive or negative way. This means that money is being wasted, with projects either failing to deliver the expected outcomes or having adverse unintended impacts. This project aims to establish a framework, and the associated methods and tools, to support Whole System Decision Making. It will do this by integrating asset management principles with development of systems approaches being implemented in a diverse range of sectors including utilities, defense, manufacturing and healthcare. Part of the motivation behind the project is the need to address major changes that are coming to the railway, including digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence and the challenges of climate change. These changes will affect the railway in such a fundamental way that can only be addressed by adopting a systemic approach. The benefits are generated from an increased knowledge of the aggregate impact of interacting decisions, which will reduce the level and uncertainty associated with major projects and optimize investments so that they deliver the desired output in a sustainable way for the lowest whole life cost. There are strong links with Challenge 2050, particularly the references it makes to (i) investment appraisals based on whole-life, whole-system consideration (ii) management tools for whole life evaluations (iii) minimizing the whole-life cost etc. There is also a strong synergy with Shift2Rail, particularly the ‘System of Systems’ approach that underpins the proposals for the second phase set out in the consultation document (Transforming Europe’s Rail System). * Develop a Value Framework for the whole railway a.Define components of the framework, b. Identify metrics/KPIs for measuring performance for each component, * Establish whole system decision making process and decision-making criteria a. Define the scope of railway decisions for inclusion in the framework e.g. maintenance, operation, upgrades etc. b. Construct decision process building on good practice in the field of decision analysis and new approaches based on a ‘system of systems’ architecture c. Determine the decision criteria to support trade-offs between railway outputs and optimization at the whole system level, * Identify most appropriate methods and tools to support whole-system decisions a. Review and evaluate methods being applied in rail and other sectors, including Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), dealing with uncertainty, optimization etc.b. Consider application to major changes in the railway, including digitalization, automation, climate change etc. c. Develop use cases to test the practicality of implementation, to validate the methods and to demonstrate the benefits, * Documentation and dissemination a. Report detailing the framework, providing guideline for implementation and summarizing the use cases b. External peer review by expert group c. Dissemination through seminars, training modules etc.The work will be delivered through a series of Work Packages building on the good practice established in the most successful Shift2Rail projects and developments in other sectors. The Work Packages will be developed in more detail which will include the following themes.* WP1: Development of Value Framework, including KPIs, * WP2: Development of risk criteria based on willingness to pay, *WP3: Selection of methods and tools to support whole system decision making, * WP4: Case studies, * WP5: Documentation and dissemination. The project will build on previous UIC projects including: * Guideline on implementation of asset management based on ISO 55001, * Guideline on Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), * End to End Decision Support roadmap, including application of Big Data, * Exploratory work being undertaken on Value Frameworks. Some members of the AMWG are represented in Shift2Rail projects, PRIME etc. with which there will be strong synergies. This includes the Shift2Rail IMPACT-2 programme which is defining the socio-economic framework to be used in evaluating the benefits that will be generated by the research. The work will support and learn from developments in IM organizations who will also provide the case studies, and from developments in other sectors. Deliverables from the Project: Value Framework, December 2021 - report Risk Criteria, June 2022 - updated report Processes, Methods and Tools, December 2022 - updated report Case Studies, June 2023 - updated report Dissemination, December 2023 - final report, guidelines
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