Abstract: Målet är att ta fram en körklar betaversion av en smart mobil reseguide. Lösningen baseras på den demonstration av SMR som togs fram i steg 2 av projektet men som nu kommer vidareutvecklas och lanseras. Resultatet bygger på samverkansparternas nuvarande infrastruktur och tjänster. Resultatet ska kunna användas under världskongressen ITS2009 i Stockholm samt vidare under projekttiden.Abstract: The purpose is to continue the development of the technical service platform for a Smart Travel Guide for Mobile Users, which was the result of step 2 of the project. The necessary conditions for this project are created by a close cooperation between all the parties Swedish Road Administration, Eniro, SL, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Info24, Idevio, WSP and Saab. We will deliver a beta version to the world congress on ITS 2009 in Stockholm. The information services are based on information from the project members The Swedish Road Administration, Eniro and SL.