Abstract: Syftet med projekt är att kalibrera och validera DTS-modellen (Dimensionerande trafiksituation) i VGU som är ett funktionskrav för att skapa en anpassad tvärsektion utifrån olika trafikantgrupper med avseende på trafiksäkerhet och framkomlighet. Modellen är främst anpassad för tätortsförhållanden och uppbyggnad av tvärsektion för gata med avseende på fordonstyp (Pb/Lb), cykel och gående beroende på funktion och behov. Även parkering och utformning av kantstöd etc. finns med som parametrar.Abstract: The current DTS model, Dimensioning Traffic Situation, has never been calibrated and validated in a proper manner. Originally, it was developed for ARGUS (Swedish Municipal Association 1987) by Lars Thuresson and Erik Andersson. Essentially through their own knowledge about these issues. The model has then been marginally revised a number of times. DTS is currently used to design new road cross sections. A big difference since the model was developed is that passenger cars have become about 15 cm wider and with higher variance in the fleet. Bicycles have also been developed, with new types, such as bicycle trailers and electric bicycles etc. The aim of the project is to calibrate and validate the DTS (Dimensioning Traffic Situation) model in VGU, which is a functional requirement for creating a custom cross-section based on different road user groups with respect to road safety and accessibility. The model is primarily adapted for urban conditions and road cross-section construction with regard to vehicle type (privat car and truck/bus), bike and pedestrian depending on function and needs. Even parking and design of curb stone etc. are included as parameters.