National Transport Library Research Database

STM Validation Project (STM Validation Project)

Sponsors, duration, budget: Trafikverket ; 2015-06-01 -- 2019-06-30 Registration number:
  • Trafikverket 2017/98712
Subject(s): Abstract: Sjöfartsverket tar nu fortsatt lead i nästa steg inom MONALISA för att ta Sea Traffic Management (STM) från definitionsfasen mot utveckling och genomförande. Projektetet syftar till att demonstrera och validera målkonceptet för STM som tagits fram i MONALISA 2.0. Projektet är ett studieprojekt/pilotprojekt och innefattar omfattande tester av olika delkomponenter i STM, exempelvis Port CDM, proaktiv ruttplanering/ruttutbyte och flow management. Testområden planeras till såväl Östersjön som Medelhavet och innefattar ett stort antal partners. Maritime Coud/SWIM kommer att användas som infrastruktur för informationsutbytet i testerna. Omfattande analyser och utvärderingar av testresultaten kommer att genomföras.Abstract: The main objective of the Action is to validate the target concept of Sea Traffic Management (STM), which has been defined and elaborated within MONALISA 2.0, project previously funded by TEN-T. Sea Traffic Management aims to overcome many of the challenges of communication and information sharing between stakeholders in the maritime transport industry and create significant added value as a result in particular for ship and cargo owners and for shipping in the transport chain. The Action is part of a global Sea Traffic Management Project. With MONALISA and MONALISA 2.0 projects, significant steps have been taken in bringing advancements in technology and innovation into the maritime sector for the future Sea Traffic Management, creating a more sustainable shipping industry, reduced environmental impacts and improved safety and efficiency. In the first MONALISA project, the first concept development for route exchange and route optimisation has been carried out and in MONALISA 2.0 a definition phase of Sea Traffic Management (STM) was completed with very positive results. The STM Vision and strategic objectives have been defined within MONALISA 2.0, jointly with a complete system of Key Performance Indicators oriented to measure the progressive STM implementation within the maritime industry. A Common Technical Protocol for route exchange has also been elaborated within MONALISA 2.0 and is in the phase of international standardisation. This is an important achievement and a pre-requisite for further development and deployment of SeaTraffic Management. In the STM Validation Project, the theoretical definition work carried out in MONALISA 2.0 will be taken into practice by establishing large-scale test beds for Sea Traffic Management in the Nordic region and in the Mediterranean Sea. In these test beds, Voyage Management, Flow Management and Port Collaborative Decision Making (Port CDM) will be tested and validated inpractice. An infrastructure for the information exchange in the test beds will also be set up. The Action will also refine and develop the existing analyses on the effects on charter parties, the legal and liability aspects, operational aspects such as usability and cyber security, as well as provide a cost benefit analysis with compelling business cases for affected parties.
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