National Transport Library Research Database

Systematisk granskning av betydelsen av legala krav för användning av cykelhjälm (Systematic review of the impact of bicycle helmet and legislation on cycling injury and participation)

  • Olivier, Jake
  • University of New South Wales, Internationell organisation
Sponsors, duration, budget: Trafikverket ; 2016-11-15 -- 2017-12-31 Registration number:
  • Trafikverket 2016/100418
Subject(s): Abstract: Helmet wearing for pedal cyclists has been shown in many biomechanical and epidemiological studies to be beneficial in mitigating bicycle related head injuries in crash or fall. In an effort to increase bicycle helmet wearing several jurisdictions around the world have enacted mandatory helmet legislation (MHL).The primary aim of this project is to determine the impact of MHL on cycling in general and, if possible, the influence of helmet use on risk compensation. An additional project aim is to determine the impact of MHL on cycling injury and fatality for jurisdictions who have adopted MHL and the health impact for jurisdictions who have adopted MHL. These aims are to be seen as separate parts of the total project whereas the primary aim of the project related to this contract is for study aim 1 only based on funding from the Swedish Transport Adminstration. The methodology of this study will be systematic reviews of peer-reviewed journal and grey literature.
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