Abstract: Den första delen av projektet har fallit mycket väl ut och rönt uppskattning både nationellt och internationellt. Studien har presenterats i EU-kommissionen och som referensstudie bidragit i regelutvecklingsarbetet rörande revisionen av SOLAS kapitel II-1 relaterat till skadestabilitet för ro ro passagerarfartyg. Projektet syftar till att genomlysa den pågående regelutvecklingen inom skadestabilitet med målsättningen att genom såväl erfarenhetsbaserade som vetenskapligt framtagna underlag utarbeta konkreta förslag till förbättringsåtgärder avsedda att resultera i en reell ökad säkerhet. Det fortsatta genomförandet uppdelas i följande deluppgifter: 1). Project Management, 2). Establishment of State of Play, 3). Definition of Survivability, 4). Damage Stability Assessments och 5. DisseminationAbstract: The development of the regulatory framework within the maritime industry in general and damage stability standards in particular is, in many respects, driven by severe accidents for which the consequences have been devastating. Accordingly, also the Costa Concordia accident itself and the conclusions made by the accident investigations committee following the disaster have catalysed the review and amendment work of SOLAS II-1, in particular related to passenger ships safety. Over the years, Ship Owners and Maritime Administrations of Northern European countries have been leading the development of not only the ro-ro passenger ship concept as such but also the development of relevant safety standards for this fleet. Consequently, the knowledge base within the Northern European region from operation of ro-ro passenger ships must be considered as substantial. Over the years, Ship Owners and Maritime Administrations of Northern European countries have been leading the development of not only the ro-ro passenger ship concept as such but also the development of relevant safety standards for this fleet. Consequently, the knowledge base within the Northern European region from operation of ro-ro passenger ships must be considered as substantial. Obviously, it is crucial for the Swedish maritime sector to actively participate in the legislative process that covers a significant part of the Swedish maritime infrastructure. The aim of the study is to review and evaluate existing as well as proposed amendments to ro-ro passenger ship safety standards from a holistic view, with the objective to develop comprehensive proposals for improvements resulting in a tangible safety enhancement for this ship type.