VTI National Transport Research Database

Scenarier med livscykelperspektiv – Beslutsunderlag för strategiska vägval i transportsektorn (Scenarios with a life-cycle perspective - Decision support for strategic choices in transport)

  • Åkerman, Jonas
  • Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Universitet eller högskola, 202100-3054
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten ; 2014-10-01 -- 2017-10-01 ; 4590000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten P388711
Subject(s): Abstract: Projektet syftar till att göra en analys av den svenska transportsektorns energianvändning och utsläpp av växthusgaser ur ett holistiskt livscykelperspektiv. Det andra syftet är att bidra med underlag till strategiska beslut, genom att utveckla några ”What-if” scenarier som bygger på olika utvecklingstendenser, eller är inriktade mot att nå de långsiktiga klimatmålen. Abstract: A life-cycle perspective including manufacturing, maintenance and end-of-life of vehicles, construction and operation of infrastructure as well as production of fuels is necessary in order to take the right decisions regarding transport. A first objective of this project is to carry out a comprehensive LCA with regard to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Swedish transport sector. Another objective is to provide scientific decision support regarding strategic choices by developing a handful of “What-if” scenarios which reflect current trends or have the potential to reach climate targets. The scenarios may for instance include a high share of electric vehicles or a large-scale introduction of second generation biofuels from forest residues, or they may include reduced car travel entailing a lower demand for new vehicles, parking space and road space. Finally, dissemination of results to key transport actors is yet another important objective.
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