National Transport Library Research Database

Värmedriven luftkonditionering för lastbilar (Heat-driven air conditioner for trucks)

  • Dometic Scandinavia AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556305-2033
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, Scania CV AB, Volvo Personvagnar AB, Catator AB, Climatewell AB, Dometic Scandinavia AB ; 2012-03-01 -- 2014-12-31 ; 16947000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2011006729
Subject(s): Abstract: Syftet med projektet är att utveckla en "grön" klilmatkyla (A/C) som helt ersätter kompressorn och därmed dagens miljöfarliga köldmedium. Projektet ska ske i samarbete med en lastbilstillverkare genom att vidareutveckla ett svenskt patenterat, värmedrivet luftkonditioneringssystem. Genom att omvandla termisk värmeenergi från motorn/dieselvärmaren till komfortkyla i hytten, kan 0,8%, och i vissa fall upp till 4,6%, av fordonets totala bränsleförbrukning reduceras. Detta motsvarar en koldioxidminskning på 2,2 - 15,2 ton per år och lastbil.Abstract: Dometic and ClimateWell will in this project together with Sweden’s leading truck manufacturers, develop a unique heat-driven air conditioner. The solution is based on ClimateWell’s awarded and patented absorption technology and Dometic’s long experience and knowledge of compact, efficient A/C systems for trucks. By converting thermal energy from the engine/diesel heater to comfort cooling in the cabin, at least 0,8% of the truck’s total fuel consumption can be reduced. This represents a reduction of CO2 emissions of over 2.2 tons per year and truck. In order to make the system compact and cost-effective and so that it also can be used when driving, the parties aim to become the first-ever to offer a “green” alternative which replaces the compressor and thus today’s refrigerants container green-house gases. In the project which is planned to start in March 2012 and run until December, two physical prototypes will be built, one of which will be installed and demonstrated in a truck.
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