Abstract: Projektet syftar till att uppgradera biogas motsvarande 20 GWh/år till fordonsgaskvalitet med minsta möjliga miljöpåverkan och högt metanutbyte i uppgraderingen. Vidare avses värmeåtervinning från den nya uppgraderingen samt internt i produktionsanläggningen optimeras så att energieffektiviteten från substrat till fordonsgas kan ökas. Abstract: Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB:s aim is to insure sufficient treatment capacity for the biogas produced at existing digesting plants by constructing a new biogas enrichment facility. The goal is to invest in the best available technology (BAT) in order to minimize impacts to the environment and maximize fuel production. The project includes reclamation of waste heat from both the enrichment facility and production facility for input to the existing biogas plant in order to optimize the conversion of raw substrate to biogas. Additionally, reclamation of waste heat is predicted to allow higher solids concentrations to be achieved in the existing biogas plant leading to a more nutrient rich bio-fertilizer and lower transportation costs.
The investment is expected to increase the utilization of biogas as motor vehicle fuel by at least 20 GWh/year, along with displaying the benefits of reclamation of waste heat in biogas plants.