VTI National Transport Research Database

ETT: demonstration av En trave till (ETT: demonstration of ECO Timber Transport)

  • Thor, Magnus
  • Skogforsk Stiftelsen Skogsbrukets forskningsinstitut, Stiftelse, 817602-9786
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten ; 2011-07-01 -- 2013-10-30 ; 12040000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 349461
Subject(s): Online resources: Abstract: Projektet syftade till att demonstrera den teknik som utvecklats i det så kallade ETT-projektet med ETT-fordon och ST-fordon för transport av rundvirke och skogsbränsle. ETT-projektet visade att det finns stora möjligheter att minska miljöbelastningen, sänka energianvändningen och minska kostnaderna för transporter genom att nyttja längre och tyngre fordon och därigenom minska antalet tunga virkes- och skogsbränslefordon på vägarna. Målet med projektet var att demonstrera och starta implementering av energieffektiva skogstransporter med en potential att minska energianvändningen med upp till 20 procent.Abstract: The project aims to demonstrate how the ETT-vehicle works in various transport- and supply systems. The demonstrations are directed towards transport of roundwood and bioenergy, with longer and heavier vehicles (30 m and 90 tons). The vehicles are built according to the modular system and demonstrated in limited geographic areas. The project is managed by the Forestry Research Institute together with partners and is divided into several subprojects: I. Rules and technical specifications. II. Training and support for fleet owners with larger vehicles for example according to ISO 39 001. III. Studies of fuel consumption and production performance. IV. Communications of the ongoing activities. In addition training and monitoring support for drivers and transport companies to facilitate their efforts to demonstrate new energy-efficient transport systems. Primary target groups for communication are the decision makers at local, regional and national level, contractors and officials in the forestry sector, and automotive industries. Secondary target groups are local officials of the municipality, emergency services and police.
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