National Transport Library Research Database

Electromobility: studie av resursbehov och incitamentsystem (Electromobility: s study on engineering resource needs and incentive systems)

  • Volvo Technology AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556542-4321
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, FKG - Fordons Komponent Gruppen AB, Scania CV AB, Volvo Personvagnar AB, Volvo Technology AB ; 2011-02-01 -- 2012-03-31 ; 2300000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2011001083
Subject(s): Abstract: I detta projekt är syftet att genomföra ytterligare studier kring områdena gemensamma laboratorie- och testresurser relaterade till Electromobility, en förädling av de prioriterade teknikområdena samt djupare studier av effektiva och uthålliga incitamentsystem som kan stimulera en marknadsintroduktion av Electromobility. Abstract: The project "Electromobility: a strategic study" identified a number of prioritized technology areas in which research and development activities as well as funding support are required for Sweden to develop a competitive position in the Electromobility arena. In the project further studies were proposed on topics like common lab and test resources, business intelligence, detailing of the prioritized technology areas and efficient and sustainable incentive systems able to stimulate the market introduction of Electromobility. Now a continuation of the project is proposed which will address these highlighted topics. The project activities are carried out in six work packages; (i) common lab and test resources; (ii) business intelligence; (iii) prioritized technology areas; (iv) efficient incentive systems; (v) project management; and (vi) reporting. AB Volvo will act as project manager and Viktoria Institute as the primary resource for carrying out the studies and analysis.
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