VTI National Transport Research Database

Distribution av flytande biogas - tankbil (Distribution of liquefied biogas - trailer)

  • Fordonsgas Sverige AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556578-0540
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, Fortum Markets AB ; 2010-07-01 -- 2011-12-31 ; 5400000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2010000233
Subject(s): Abstract: Denna ansökan gäller två stycken distributionsfordon (tanktrailers), som är nödvändiga för att länka samman produktion och användning av flytande biogas. Projektet kompletterar befintlig struktur för biogas i gasform genom att möjliggöra distribution från produktionsanläggningen av flytande biogas till tankstationer för flytande biogas. Då biogasen är flytande kan större mängder transporteras vilket leder till färre, effektivare och mindre kostsamma transporter.Abstract: This project is about distribution of liquefied biogas. The project contains two different applications, this applications is about two trailers for distribution of liquefied biogas, which are necessary for the connection between production and use of liquefied biogas. The other application in the project is about a refueling station for liquefied biogas. The aim of the project is to develop a well functioning and environmental friendly alternative for both heavy and light transports. Heavy vehicles are today using almost only diesel oil as a fuel and there is a possibility for big benefits according to environmental issues when biogas becomes an alternative. The project is a complement to existing structure for biogas and it gives a possibility to create a more effective distribution from the production of liquefied biogas to the planned refueling stations. Due to the fact that the biogas is liquefied, larger amounts can be distributed which leads to fewer and more effective transports and lower costs. Liquefied biogas can be delivered both as a liquid and as a gas, which serves both existing and new costumers with biogas. Refueling stations for liquefied biogas is planned in Göteborg and Skaraborg initially, and then in Småland.
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