National Transport Library Research Database

Kryogen uppgradering av deponigas (Cryogenic upgrading of landfill gas)

  • Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB (NSR), Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556217-4580
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB (NSR) ; 2010-03-01 -- 2013-04-30 ; 35500000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2010000179
Subject(s): Abstract: NSR AB har för avsikt att tillsammans med Terracastus AB bygga en anläggning för att uppgradera deponigas och biogas till LBG (Liquid Biogas). Fullt utbyggd kommer anläggningen att producera 130 GWh LBG. Anläggningen kommer att demonstrera hur deponigas kan uppgraderas till ett högvärdigt fordonsbränsle. Jämfört med trycksatt biogas är LBG upp till 6 gånger mer energieffektiv att transportera med lastbil. LBG är också ett intressant drivmedel för den tunga trafiken. Abstract: NSR AB, the largest producer of landfill gas in Sweden, and Terracastus AB has the ambition of building a plant for upgrading of landfill gas and biogas to liquid biogas, LBG. This unique plant will demonstrate how landfill gas, which today often is flared, can be upgraded to a high value transportation fuel which can replace petrol and diesel. Landfill gas accounts for 1/3 of the biogas production in Sweden, and with the technique demonstrated in this project the Swedish production of renewable gas for transportation could be doubled. Distribution of LBG by truck is up to 6 times more energy efficient than for compressed biogas. LBG is also a suitable fuel for heavy vehicles, creating new opportunities on the Swedish biogas market. The upgrading technology that will be used at NSR will also produce liquid carbon dioxide, which is a useful product for e g cooling system in trucks or for increased production in greenhouses. The investment for this project is 150 million SEK, and at full operation the plant will produce 130 GWh LBG per year. Replacing diesel and petrol this will give reduced greenhouse gas emissions corresponding to 39 000 ton CO2-equivalents.
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