Abstract: Projektet avser ett samarbetsprojekt inom elfordonsområdet som leds av Innovatum Teknikpark i Trollhättan med parter från svensk fordonsindustri. Genom detta samarbete påskyndas övergången till produktion av fordon som på ett mindre sätt belastar miljön. Både tekniska och materialkostnadsmässiga synergier uppnås och utveckligen av svenska underleverantörer är ett fokusområde. Inom projektet utvecklas och testas teknikområden som batterier och elmotorer.Abstract: Wihtin the Swedeish car industry there are car projects to meet the new demand of vehicles with a minimal or zero discharge of CO2 gases to the atmosphere. Market introductions for electrical cars is planned ahead. Swedish companies are working with their own projects and come across the same kind of questions. The market, although, are still immature concerning a new way of driving and the need of charging stations. Via Innovatum Teknikpark in Trollhättan a cooperation project is started, "Project LIGHTNING", with parties from the Swedish car industry. By this cooperation, the transpostition towards production of vehicles that do not load the environment is speeded up."Project LIGHTNING" includes a product projects within the electrical car area. Both technical and material cost synergism will be reached and the development of Swedish subsuppliers are in focus. A market introduction will be controlled through a common set up of "demo sites".