VTI National Transport Research Database

RECA - Räckviddsförlängare för eldrivna personbilar (RECA - Range extender for electric car application)

  • Chalmers tekniska högskola AB, Universitet eller högskola, 556479-5598
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB ; 2009-07-01 -- 2009-12-31 ; 900000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2009000948
Subject(s): Abstract: Syftet med projektet RECA är primärt att utveckla en s.k. Range Extender (RE) att installeras i ett eldrivet fordon för att förlänga dess körtid utöver vad batteriets energiinnehåll annars hade tillåtit. Avsikten med detta första steg är att göra en förstudie inför en kommande EU-ansökan i maj 2009.Abstract: To develop a Range extender for use in electrically driven cars, to increase their driving range above the battery energy limit. The RE is a low power combustion engine, configured in series with the energy storage, or in parallel with connection to the drive axle. The RE charges the primary energy storage when needed, and operates at one optimal engine speed. Several techniques might be possible, ie HCCI-combustion, Stirling, Rankine, Gas-Turbine and hydrogen power. Technical parameters guiding the choice of the RE shall be addressed and used to select a RE-technique and architecture, and driveline contriol. Aspects of safety, environment and installation in existing car body structures will be considered. RE-prototypes shall be developed and installation in a fleet of cars shall be evaluated together with customers. Project partners are the Centres of Excellence SHC and CERC with partners and Södertälje Powertrain AB and AVL. This first step is a prestudy for an EU-application 2009.
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