National Transport Library Research Database

Strategiska drivlineteknologier för utveckling av framtida fordon (Strategic powertrain technologies for future vehicle development)

  • Saab Automobile Powertrain AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556602-9038
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, General Motors Powertrain Sweden AB ; 2009-02-06 -- 2010-06-01 ; 20491667 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2009000952
Subject(s): Abstract: Detta projekts mål är att undersöka och utveckla tekniker för ökad energieffektivitet och reduktion av emissioner för framtida motor- och drivlinekoncept, samt att stärka Saab Automobile/GM Powertrain Sweden AB och dessa samarbetspartners konkurrenskraft. Projektet, som består av ett antal underprojekt, fokuserar på områden som efterbehandling, alternative bränslen och gasväxlingsteknik.Abstract: The project consists of subprojects focusing on for example aftertreatment, alternative fuels and gas exchange technology, whose common goal is to enable development of new energy efficient and low emission vehicles. For the Swedish car industry, the above highlighted areas will be the two most important areas of research, both short and long term. To maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish Automotive industry and its ability to develop and manufacture leading products, this type of projects for applied development and increased R&D, is an enabling factor that will influence the entire Swedish Automotive sector, Universities and industrial partners strength and ability for improved energy efficiency and environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation solutions. Given current financial constraints within the automotive sector, the governmental funding initiative is a crucial part to execute these projects.
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