National Transport Library Research Database

DME i dieselprocess

  • Volvo Powertrain AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556000-0753
Sponsors, duration, budget: Energimyndigheten, Volvo Powertrain AB ; 2009-04-01 -- 2010-06-30 ; 3005000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Energimyndigheten 2009000122
Subject(s): Abstract: Projektet syftar till att genomföra slutprovning av de olika förbränningssystems- konfigurationer som tidigare tagits fram så att en tydlig rekommendation kan ges vad gäller förbränningssystem för en DME-motor (spridarkonfiguration och förbränningsrumsform). Projektet syftar också till att öka förståelsen av NOx–bildning vid DME-förbränning där parameterberoendet kan vara något annorlunda jämfört med dieselförbränning.Abstract: Alternative fuels for road vehicles is an important part of the long term energy scenario, that has gradually, during several decades, become more complex. Dimethyl ether (DME) is considered by e.g. Volvo Powertrain to be a major candidate. The excellent combustion features of DME-not least soot free-makes it comparatively easy to design an acceptable combustion system concept. A truly optimized combustion concept, that fully utilizes the potential of the fuel, regarding thermal efficiency, nitrogen oxides and noise, will probably differ substantially from today’s typical Diesel combustion systems, which are strongly influenced by soot suppression. This work will therefore develop a combustion system (nozzle and piston geometry) specially designed for the fuel and its inherent properties. The combustion system will be developed by simulations, to find suitable candidates and to understand the requirements of the fuel, and by experiments which verifies the suggestions.
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