Abstract: Projektet skall utveckla metoder och simuleringsmodeller för plattformselement. Projektet är en fortsättning från NFFP4-projektet V4102 Produkt- och Processplattform och skall fokusera på plattformsmodellering och simulering.
Projektet ämnar leverera följande delar för en framtida plattformsmodell på Volvo Aero: - En plattformsdefinition och processmodell för hur arbetet med att tillföra kunskap till platformen ska gå till under pågående teknologi och produktutvecklingsprojekt, dvs. införande av moment i Volvo Aeros produktutvecklingsmodell (GDP), eventuellt ett eget instruktionsdokument (GDI). - Ett utökad plattformsverktyg (-modell) (ett ingenjörsnära IT-stöd) med funktioner för versionshanterad och verifierad kunskap anpassad för produktutveckling och produktion. - En tydlig koppling mot teknologiutveckling och hur TRL-skalan kan användas för att värdera ett plattformselements mogenhet.Abstract: Within the platform research several industrial benefits resulting in a larger product offer (external leveraging) as well as a more efficient internal development (internal leveraging) has been identified. The current research has not been focused on suppliers that do not own the product architecture. This project aims to reduce this research gap, which will enable VAC to a more efficient use of limited resources to a wider range of customers. It has been shown that a technology based platform probably can solve many of these problems. This project is based on a platform description that was studied in NFFP4. The projects main goals is to implement and simulate (test) the technology platform in practice with a wider scope involving product development, technology development, market, and production. The project is carried out as the pre-study in collaboration between Chalmers and VAC.
The project will evolve methods and models for simulation regarding platforms-element. The project is a condition from the NFFP4-project V4102 Product- and Process-platform and will focus on platform-modeling and simulation.
The intention of the project is to deliver following parts according a future platform-model on Volvo Aero: - A definition of platform and process model how the work will provide knowledge to the platform will proceed during present technology and product development project, i.e. introduction of moment in the product development model (GDP) at Volvo Aero , eventual an own instruction document(GDI). - An increased platform tool (-model) ( a closely engineering IT-support) with functions including version management and verified knowledge adapt for product development and production. - A clear connection against technology development and how the TRL-scale can be used for value a mature of platform element.