National Transport Library Research Database

Användning av nya sensorer för bättre styrning av variabla föreskrivna hastighetsgränser (Utilisation of new road surface sensors in dynamic speed management)

  • Lind, Gunnar
  • Movea Trafikkonsult AB, Svenskt företag eller organisation, 556435-6144
Sponsors, duration, budget: Trafikverket ; 2009-09-01 -- 2012-06-01 ; 1000000 kronorRegistration number:
  • Trafikverket 2010/10013
Subject(s): Abstract: Senare års studier har visat att nytta av väderstyrda variabla hastighetsgränser endast uppnås av högkvalitativa realtidssystem. Hög kvalitet på styrningen innebär att visade hastighetsgränser på ett tillförlitligt sätt motsvarar säker hastighet vid rådande väglagsförhållanden. Sådana system kräver hög precision i detektering av friktion och väglag. Hittills har inte detekteringen nått tillräcklig hög kvalitet. Nya optiska system och temperatursensorer från Vaisala och andra tillverkare liksom fordonsbaserade friktionsmätare har i begränsade försök gett lovande resultat. Syfte: att studera hur information från nya sensorer bäst kan användas vid vägväderstyrning, att studera hur mycket tekniska prestanda förbättras, att bedöma hur mycket säkerhet och annan nytta kan förbättras med den nya utrustningen Innehåll: En gemensam svensk-finsk studie genomförs. I Finland har tekniska prestanda hos Vaisala-kameran undersökts, mindre studier pågår i Sverige med Vaisala och annan utrustning. Studien genomförs 2009-11 och startar med en förstudie under 2009 där båda länders erfarenheter jämförs och avslutas med workshop. Därvid planeras mer i detalj gemensamma försök med före/efter-studier för att fylla kunskapsluckor och behov i de båda länderna. Föremätning bör ske från september 2009 till augusti 2010. Eftermätningar september 2010 till augusti 2011. Olika typer av vägar bör vara föremål för studier. Resultaten rapporteras våren 2012. Studien bör tas med i EASYWAY:s arbetsplan 2009-2012.Abstract: Background: Recent studies have clearly shown that the benefits of dynamic weather-related speed management applications (utilising variable speed limits) are obtained only for systems with high-quality real-time control. This high-quality control means that the speed limits displayed to the driver correspond to the speed that can be used safely in the current road surface conditions. Such control requires reliable real-time information of the current road surface condition and especially road surface friction. Until now, the road surface condition monitoring systems have not provided reliable information in all conditions with special problems in some slippery conditions. The recent new optical road surface condition and temperature sensors from Vaisala as well as new friction assessment systems based on in-vehicle sensors have, however, improved the quality of road surface condition monitoring and especially road surface friction monitoring to a considerable extent. Aim: The objective is to study: • how the information provided by the new road surface condition and friction sensors can be utilised in dynamic speed management • how much do the new sensors improve the technical performance of the weather-related speed management systems • what safety and other benefits could be expected from the systems enhanced with the new sensors Activities: Weather- and road surface-related speed management systems have been implemented primarily in Finland and Sweden. The performance of the new Vaisala sensors has been studied as well as new in-vehicle friction monitoring systems have been developed in these two countries. Hence, it is proposed that the study should be carried out as a collaborative Finnish-Swedish study to be commissioned and funded together by the Finnish and Swedish Road Administrations. The collaboration ensures that the solutions can be verified in all major operating environments in the Nordic countries with minimum costs. The study should be carried out in 2009-2011 to be started with a feasibility study in 2009 on how to integrate the new sensors and their information to the speed control system and its control algorithms to make the systems optimal with regard to the benefits of the system. The technical performance of the system should be studied with a before and after study on selected sections in Finland and Sweden. The before season should be from September 2009 to August 2010, and the after season from September 2010 to August 2011, and a control section with conventional sensors is to be allocated for each experimental section with new sensors. The types of roads and traffic volume classes will be varied in order to study the performance in different operating environments. The technical performance study will investigate the following aspects: - how speed limits displayed correspond to drivers' own perception of prevailing road surface conditions - how speed limit corresponds to actual road surface condition as verified with own measurements - how sensor information corresponds to actual road surface conditions The benefits will be estimated as a desktop study based on the changes in the technical performance of the system. The results will be reported in the final report of the study to be published in the spring of 2012. Intermediate reports will be provided at the end of 2009 (feasibility study) and 2010 (before studies and evaluation methodology). The study should be included in the VIKING work plans 2009-2012 in the EASYWAY action. The study is intended to be a Nordic co-operation between at least Sweden and Finland.
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