Abstract: Projektet förväntas visa hur varudistributionen kan effektiviseras samt hur de negativa effekter som uppstår vid varudistribution i tätort, med dagens typer av fordon, kan reduceras. Detta med ett nytt fordonskoncept som erbjuder en effektivare hantering, minskad miljöpåverkan, kortare uppehållstider i tätort och en bättre arbetsmiljö.Abstract: An aim is to map the negative effects that are created by goods distribution with the state of the art vehicles and investigate how those effects can be reduced by design and introduction of a new vehicle concept. An objective is also to compile a specification for a new vehicle concept. Prototypes will then be implemented at a transport company, used in ordinary service and evaluated. The negative aspects of goods distribution can probably be reduced by utilising a new more efficient vehicle concept through the following changes: - the driver will be able to move himself or herself more safely and effectively around the vehicle and between the driver compartment and the cargo space - more efficient cargo handling at customers and freight terminals - increased use of IT and better work environment with IT-tools - reduced noise levels from load handling activities and vehicle movement - reduced environmental impact due to improved possibilities of coordinated distribution as well as increased load factor.